Kickstarting creativity.

I've been a bit stagnant on the photo-taking front. Photographing portraits is great, but I haven't done landscapes or architecture or anything else since last summer. My creativity's been a bit challenged since the first of the year; I lost my muse, you could say.

Decided to pack up the Z6II and march through downtown Santa Fe. I tramped a double figure eight around town, then pulled a dogleg down to Canyon, ending at Smith Park. Quite brown through most of town still. Trees are flowering, but the grasses and bushes have not had enough moisture for a normal green-up. I apologize, my spark is still challenged I feel, and these are largely well-photographed spots. I'm putting up the lot, because many of you are not - or have not been - in or around Santa Fe. Some of these are reference for a personal book project I'm developing (but slowly).

Oh, and I do have to call out some of those last photos. Enjoy the "mighty" Santa Fe River. Terrorizes Matchbox cars and perhaps Barbie dolls with its mighty 3" of depth and mosquito-strength current ... (LOL) ...

Enjoy this.